September 1, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 9/2/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 1, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 9/2/18

9/2/18 is the number 4. The number 4 reminds us that we are as a conscious global whole a long way from peace and neutrality. Such times are meant to challenge us to a new level and depth of inner peace. Too many people want to hide their head in the sand and just ignore the external reality so that they can find moments of feigned peace. But that never works and allows the darkness to continue to spread. You have to learn to stand with one foot in the reality, as painful and harsh as it is. If you cannot feel the sting of suffering, you will continue to do nothing. And your other food has to be in the solid core center of your connection to all things. That natural environment is always in a place of surrendered acceptance and peace. Human life is designed to allow our mind to throw us off that essential life center. It is important to never allow others choices and karmic actions to disturb your center and connection to the one and all that is. But you are also here in this world at this time. There must be a reason for that. And you have to calmly find that meaning and then regardless of the chaos that others use to confuse, you must continue to give your gifts.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Sunday and Monday (USA Labor Day holiday) are under the influence of a talkative Gemini moon. This favors short projects, short visits, and running lots of quick errands. Be social to begin the week. Use the strength and energy from this day. You can get a lot more done than you have previously. It is also a great day for physical exercise and getting out with your family and friends to enjoy this cooling weather.

With the Gemini Moon most of today, know that talk is cheap, and a lot of words are going to be spread around. Walk your talk and speak your truth. You will be refining your intentions along the way.

In the evening you might feel uncertain and as if there are those confronting you. Don’t fall into a tit for tat conversation. Don’t try to connect with those whose minds are rigid.

There seems to be more and more feeling in words. That also means that they hold a sharper edge today. Use them with a compassionate heart.

There is great support from friends and family this weekend. Use it to connect on those levels that in the end matter most.

Know that deeper feelings are emerging in everyone. For some that are not used to expressing what they feel, that emergence can be disruptive. Expect some to go to extremes. Do not aggravate an already stressful situation.

You crave the comfortable and you crave the excitement of something new. It may make you feel a bit on the fence. Why not a little bit of both?

The discrepancies continue to baffle the mind. Understanding the distortion seems impossible and it makes those in the wrong irritable and more resistant. You cannot open a closed mind. I know you want to solve problems and make life go more back to normal but that is not this moment. Choose to focus inward not outward. You will be able to get more accomplished.
~Suzanne Wagner~


When words become knives, courage is awakened.
Courage comes when you have nothing left to lose.
In that moment words flow from a magical place of connection.
You speak not just for yourself but for all of life.
Only from that place is there the possibility of being heard.
Those are the souls that are awakening in such historical times.
They are called by a force that is beyond themselves.
They are carried on the wings of what is right.
When you carry great truth inside,
Somehow you always find the courage to stand.
~Suzanne Wagner~




I will not apologize for promoting kindness in such a hate filled world.
I will not bend to the distorted mania of those who have lost themselves in the darkness.
I will not break from the projection of fear that some use to control the minds and hearts of others.
Because I know my own heart.
I do not need a leader of any standing to tell me what is right.
I know my souls’ gifts and use the tools at my disposal to support life in all forms.
Those that separate others, are weak and need to feel strong.
Those that hate, have never known real, deep, unconditional love.
Those that cause suffering, will wander the lower domains of karma
until the day that they eventually awaken to the ridiculous choices
of their mind that have led them off the path of truth.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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