August 5, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/6/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 5, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 8/6/17
8/6/17 is the number 6.
When you are in your center you are always at peace.
When you are loving, it gives your life grease
To slip and slide through the obstructions that present.
You cannot let go of who you are and relent.
If you do that you lose something more precious than your life.
You sell out to the fear and then live a life of conflict in strife.
The pain in that moment is beyond what you think you can endure.
And the illness it creates in your soul is hard to cure.
In one moment you can make a choice that you will regret
When your fear collapses you in the face of a threat.
You can be safe and give up some of your light
And allow that light to feed a horrible blight.
Or you can hold the truth up high
And know that there are those that will attempt to deny
That they have become what they accuse you of
When you are only showing them a dove.

~Suzanne Wagner~
Early Sunday morning, the moon moves into friendly Aquarius the world begins to build to the partial lunar eclipse that happens in the 7th. Sunday is a pleasant day to share in social environments with no large highs or lows. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn until 8:16 AM EDT, after which it transits Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon is determined, principled, humanitarian, progressive, and non-traditional. We are moving towards a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, exact tomorrow, and the mood is emotionally charged. This eclipse is likely to create epiphanies and new understandings today and this week, especially related to community, friendships, groups, and associates. It can be a time of significant discoveries as you confront problems, people, and situations that have been harboring unexpressed emotions.

~Suzanne Wagner~
Attachment is the source of all suffering.
When you let go and trust that the universe
has a specific map for your growth and development
then you can feel the greater cosmic flow
and allow yourself to surrender into that flow.
Great peace and acceptance follows that choice
and you recognize that all that striving
was only the ego distracting you
off what was really of highest value
to your soul.
~Suzanne Wagner~


There is concern about where we are going.
There is something that seems is no longer flowing.
When you look out and cast your eyes
Into the angry and petulant skies
Do you notice or do you ignore
Those warning clouds darkened with hatred and war?
Never in our life has there been a more desperate call
For all those who hear this windy squall
To stand up and become as one
Against the fearful and hating daughters and sons.
How do we hold a line of love
When truth is abandoned by those that are bereft of
Compassion and acceptance, justice and reason.
Their hearts hold Constitutional treason.
I am afraid for those souls who cannot see
That abandoning freedoms in the face of greed,
Will take a huge toll on your mortal coil
And bring you only karmic suffering and toil.
I pray for those whose hearts remain aware
To come together and stare down this hateful glare
That threatens to destroy what our ancestors built
The love and labor that designed this quilt.
But if we are doomed to let that quilt burn
Under the hatred of those that refuse to learn.
Then let the history show that together they stood
Fearless in love, compassion, and good
While the forces of darkness ripped the control
From those who stood for freedom and the souls
Who had not the power to stand up and defend
Together let our hearts become one and ascend.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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