June 28, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 6/29/15 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 28, 2015Categories: Astrology/Numerology



Numerology/Astrology for 6/29/15
Today is the number 7. Even though this day has astrology that wants you to break free and break out of your old patterns, numerologically you have to do it with a bit of organized structure to be effective in this world. Starting with a plan is always a good idea but also know that whatever plan you construct you have to also be willing to create a bit of wiggle room and know that things never really go as planned anyway. Life is a constant dance of controlled chaos. Learning how to be okay with that and allow for the universe to modify you idea as it goes along requires presence and humor. The Moon is in Sagittarius all day. Emotionally bored with the mundane, anything that breaks the routine is appealing now, and a change of scenery might help. You take a philosophical attitude to problems or challenges in your life. Early into the day, a Venus-Uranus trine comes exact. You lose your fear of taking risks at this time, and you happily embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to pleasure, entertainment, tastes, romantic involvements, and financial or business undertakings. You are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit. The Moon’s square to Neptune late afternoon (Eastern time) may be a little disorienting as you look for ways to satisfy your more spiritual or imaginative needs.
~Suzanne Wagner~

The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime.
~Alex Collier~

In each of us we do not know what we are holding internally until there are moments of stress and then we notice what we have been holding internally. That is why it is my spiritual practice to constantly lean into my edges to discover where I am still carrying pain or any stuck energy. Most people work really hard to avoid the truth of the pain they carry inside. You notice them all the time. You know, those people who talk too loud and laugh too much, or have that overly sweet voice that makes you cringe. I notice often how my voice conveys so much of what I do not want to express. Today, notice what you say and how you say it. Then notice others reaction to your words and ways of expressing them. Observation is the key to being able to change a behavior in a way that allows for others to connect with your real self rather than your pain body. Your pain body is yours to navigate through. You want to connect with others in the most meaningful way possible.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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