May 24, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/25/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 24, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 5/25/18


5/25/18 is the number 5. The number 5 is all about, “Getting Physical”. It is time for some action, and “hands on” treatment of what is happening in this world. It is time to step out of shyness and caution and move into direct action. To be big in this world you have to become physically capable of making an impact and changing something. It all starts with an idea. Then that idea has to manifest. To manifest your dreams and ideas requires a type of courage and passion. One that is willing to give everything you have in that moment for the truth. If you are not grounded in truth, you are rash, irresponsible, thoughtless, and rigid in your thinking. Only you can open and be willing to experience the manifestations of your convictions completely. Sometimes that leads to very hard and harsh reflections coming back to you. The number 5 brings in the laws of multiplicity and progression, meaning that you have to do more than one thing at a time and juggle those things well. And you need to move forward not backwards in life. Living a full life is an act of daring and guile. You just also need to be practical in your application of those truths.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today

Mercury forms a trine to Pluto this morning giving you a feeling of having a temporary mental advantage. Use it wisely. That is because your mind is attuned to otherworldly impressions and long term spiritual choices that impact you for the rest of your life. If you have an increased insight about something, please offer it up to those that need it. Without judging, it is time to understand the psychological make up of others. Remember, all men are not created equal. All men have equal potential. It is just that we are not all at an equal place. Each of us is on our own personal evolutionary journey towards awakened consciousness. Some of us are more skilled in detecting certain things than others. But each person has tools that they can use to awaken. But the more resistance there is from the ego, the less truth filters through. Today, look for truth in all forms. Dive into the unexplored topics and ideas. It is time to develop strategies and plans that support the use of compassion and understanding. When you focus you will find that you are very effective at solving problems and getting down to the most important things.

The Moon is in Libra all day, encouraging you to seek out balance and harmony. However, astrologically we are all moving towards a Venus-Saturn opposition, which we will feel the most tomorrow. Expect some negative feedback or blockages that seem intent to slow us down. You will need to pace yourself and to adjust your expectations. Expect to feel criticized by others. Financially things feel tight and your debts and obligations to others seem magnified and more critical to deal with. Burdens, responsibilities, lack, limitations, and problems can loom larger than usual under the Venus-Saturn influence, particularly with regards to love, pleasure, and finances.
~Suzanne Wagner~




Prejudice and hate
are a cowardly escape
from the problems and effort
required to find true peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~




My concern continues to grow as I know so many of you feel the same way. When our freedoms keep getting taken away and when no one does anything this is always the beginning of a social and economic collapse. That is just history (if anyone would ever read a book anymore). It is not okay (by any stretch of the imagination) that any person (much less a president) be able to order owners of football groups that their players must stand for the National Anthem. This is America and freedom of speech is at the root of our society. And then to threaten those players with loss of their job and removal of citizenship is abominable. I cannot believe that we have a Congress that is not willing to stand up for the people. There is no way they are not completely complicit in this heinous act of our sitting president. The only way to shift this is to radically vote for women and minorities in positions of Congress to balance out this overt injustice. I have already sent in my mail in ballot. Make sure you fill it all out exactly correctly. Don’t make any mistakes that they can use to make your vote invalid.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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