May 14, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 5/15/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 14, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 5/15/20

5/15/20 is the number 6. If you add the 5 + 1 +5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 15. 1 + 5 = 6.

I can feel that place where a break is deeply needed. I am sure that many besides me have taken on huge projects that are taking up a lot of time and energy. And then there are moments when you just need to stop and regroup. I suggest that each of us learn to listen to their body so that we know when to stop. Being in a physical body takes a lot of energy, concentration, and focus. Sometimes you just need to drop in and rest. Naps are a great idea. Seek the places that support stillness within your core and soul. Take a walk but maybe after that nap.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The three planets that aligned this year in Capricorn, are all moving backwards until early October. I expect everyone will spend the next several months adjusting and healing from the many events that have stirred many things to the surface this year.

This has been an emotionally shifting week.

Fortunately the Moon moves into sensitive and intuitive Pisces for the weekend. I plan on resting, watching movies, listening to music, being in the hot tub, and meditating. This Moon may (as the day progresses) make you feel diffused, a bit confused, and you may struggle to concentrate.

The Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus. At the very least this is an original moment in time that will require great strength and determination. So today, do things that make you happy.

The Moon squares Mercury in Gemini. Do what you can to give good spiritual gifts out into the world. Remember that using spiritual gifts with integrity is very important right now. You may have minor upsets and miscommunications. Truth continues to evolve but falseness always remains consistent and sounds repetitive. Precision is critical right now. Using science (as your friend) will support your brain to evolve past superstitions and false beliefs created by an immature mind in an attempt to make sense out of this vast and wondrous universe. Hastiness and rushing is a sign of a mind still in chaos and turmoil. Slow down. Find your center. And remember that you are in this moment to grow and evolve.

No matter what, dive deep into things that matter to you.

Have healthy dialogues with others. Solve problems and share insights.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Truth continues to evolve.

It grows with your level of awareness

comprehension, and experience.

But falseness always remains

consistent and sounds repetitive.

Some believe if they say anything

enough it will make it true.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Within the evolution of souls there is always the element of chaos moving through life and infusing it with the touch of unpredictability.
Some moments that touch are subtle and bring with it excitement and wonder.
Other moments such as now, change happens in such chaotic and massive sets of waves that it is all you can do to keep your head above water.

While all of us have been learning how to swim in choppy seas, now we can feel how caught we are in the rip currents pulling us out into deep, dark and uncharted water.

You can try to not panic.
You can choose to do your best to remain calm and not struggle against forces that are greater than your strength.
It becomes clear that you cannot waste energy and survive.
You decide to take slow and deep breaths.
You allow yourself to see the familiar shores get further away.
You eventually realize that you cannot get back to that same shore.
Life is taking you somewhere else.
And it is a total and complete unknown.
Because you do not know if it is bad or good, you learn a level of surrender and are forced to trust an invisible energy that circulates in life.
The familiar is disappearing.
The comforting things of your past become dust in the wind.
What was once solid has morphed into a watery flow of concern and discontent.
And all around you there is nothing but surrender calling you to find peace in what just is.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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