August 16, 2016

The Elemental Feminine Workshops – The Feminine Yearning

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 16, 2016Categories: Events

Feminine Yearning is such a full bodied experience that the feminine wants to taste, touch, sense, feel, and experience. Often the masculine often does not completely understand the depth to the feminine yearns to be filled up with life to have the experience of life to take you completely over. In this video between Jennifer Stanchfield and my self about that fulfillment is possible.

This is what the Elemental Feminine Workshop coming up Sept 23-25, 2016 and is going to be at The Lodge at Stillwater. This is such a wonderful event that both Jennifer and I love to teach. I hope there are many women out there ready to dive into the depth, power and passion that is the Divine Feminine and to become a part of that shift of awakening that is happening for all those who identify with the feminine.

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