June 20, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 6/21/15 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 20, 2015Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 6/21/15
Today is the number 8. Today is all about connecting your higher self with your lower self. For some of you that might look like a good closet clearing. For others it might look like getting to those house chores and get things more in order that you have been bugging you. But whenever you clean out things there are moments of nostalgia and reflection. Things have meaning and we often hang onto them longer than is practical or useful. Today is the day to move towards those things that will allow calmness and elements of peace to infuse your home and life. It might be emotional to clear out the old so that you can bring in the new but you can allow it to be a celebration of parts of your life that have served you well but that no longer need to be represented in your life as a physical object. Hold those moments deep in your heart and let the energy go that is not longer useful to who you are now. We have finally entered into the warm and loving sign of Cancer. The Moon continues its transit of Leo until 12:59 PM EDT, when it enters Virgo. Shortly into the day, a Sun-Saturn quincunx occurs, and you might wrestle with fears that you, or your plans/projects, may not be measuring up. This can slow down the process but can also help you to see what kinds of adjustments you need to make. Midday, the Sun enters Cancer, where it will transit until July 22nd. This will make you want to move around the house and make your environment warm and inviting. You are self-protective and protective of those closest to you under this influence. Your attention turns to your nest—your families, homes, and anything that makes you feel “at home”, safe, and secure. Nurturing and taking care of your loved ones and your pet projects come into focus. You are more susceptible to the ups and downs of the Moon while the Sun is in Cancer. Later today, Venus forms a quincunx with Pluto, pointing again to the need to make adjustments and reassessments in your close personal relationships, social lives, or with spending. Issues of power and control can arise. Unreasonable or irrational fears of loss, or jealousy, could also emerge. You are moving towards a very lovely Jupiter-Uranus trine – the final one while Jupiter is in Leo. This is a liberating and progressive influence that comes exact tomorrow morning.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“You will never be able to escape from your Heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say.”

~Paulo Coelho~

Things are still flowing from the place of the unexpected. Everyone desires clarity and that is at a premium right now. The longing for this big change is taking a toll on everyone. Neptune is making things very unsure and unstable. The things that you want to appear seem to be just out of your grasp. It is incredibly frustrating. You want to know it all but that is not possible under these circumstances. Things will happen that you did not think were possible. And there are things that will manifest in a way that you did not expect. Focus on the home reality as we have the Sun finally in Cancer. There is really nothing else you can do. Home is where the stability lies right now. It is not out there it is in your family and home that you will re-align with your highest self. It is not about going up but about going down into the things that make life feel more stable. Your perceptions are radically changing and none of us are out of the war between Saturn in Scorpio. There is so much going on and you need to watch out for the time period of July 26th because the astrology is going to knock everyone around for a bit. It is essential that you find ways to stay positive at all costs. I know I am asking a lot but look for the positive shifts that you can do at home, with family and that will be were you can get out of the storm and into places of safety and love.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Rita Ora – Grateful

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