December 3, 2017

Numerology/Astrology fo r12/4/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 3, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 12/4/17
12/4/17 is the number 8. In the darkness where sadness waits for your recognition silently in the shadows, you must turn and look into the abyss of its eyes so that you learn to accept all things and recognize that life goes on regardless of those that attempt to hurt and harm all that is valuable and good in this world. Being human is a series of lessons in discernment and learning the use of responsible power. You may feel the depth of the world despair right now but that is often what it takes to motivate others to awaken and recognize the harm that they have done to life itself. More important is to not take on that karmic lessons of others but to remain awake and present in the unraveling of the truth that is happening at this time. And to be grateful for that in the face of loss and shock.

We are finally past the first 3 stressful days of December. Take a breath and do your best to calm down and evaluate where you are really at. The Moon is in Cancer Monday after lunch until lunchtime on Wednesday. Connect with family or those who are in your inner comfort circle. We all need each other at this point. The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 3:38 PM EST, harmonizing with Uranus and Mars this morning and opposing Saturn and retrograde Mercury early afternoon. While you will probably have more get-up-and-go this morning, there can be continued difficulties getting your message across clearly today. So yes, there is going to be continued frustration with the slowness and density of what you are attempting to move through. With Mercury still close to its retrograde station and Chiron moving to its direct station, expect to be a little disoriented or undecided. The Moon’s entry into the sign of Cancer at 3:38 PM encourages you to center yourself from your own core rather than let the external determine what you feel or where you stand. Do your best to let go of overthinking. Home, family, and familiar settings or situations appeal more than usual now.
~Suzanne Wagner~



It is painful to feel death taking away that which you love.
Humanity fears to lose what death can touch.
But death touches all things and nothing is immune.
Have you felt the shadow pass over the land?
Do you feel the gasping of its people?
Oh for the death to breathe life into a new birth.
Oh for the goodness in the hearts of the people to rise up.
Oh for the words of our founding fathers to echo loudly.
Oh for the people to remember the potential that is their birthright.

~Suzanne Wagner~




I choose to live the words in my heart.
I choose to defy rather than let them depart.
I know what is true and I know what is right.
I know that in the face of evil, good must stand and fight.
I know the power of an ideal.
I know that hope is very real.
I know that in the times when the darkness comes.
I must treasure the remembrance of times to come.
When love overpowers the toxic hate.
When truth is the only way to enter the sacred gate.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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